What my life is about

There is a saying that you should only worry about the things you can change, be relaxed about the things you can’t change, and have the wisdom to distinguish one from the other. So I think it could be smart to stop worrying too much about all the Corona politics and decisions. Some of them will happen anyway, some of them won’t. Most of us will just have to live with them – on the grand scale. What we do in our households, whom we meet, how we talk about it, what we believe and whether we respond with anger, fear, insecurity, or worry: this is still our choice.

I have decided that I won’t try to convince people of `my truth´. If they opt for a vaccination – well. If they wear their masks happily – well. I don’t intend to be aggressive or anything. Sometimes I even refuse to talk about it at all. And especially I am trying not to think about it all the time! A friend of mine is fighting breast cancer, my sister has had to work every day without a break for months on end (because her co-worker is dying of cancer), my oldest kid has just finished school (and wonderfully so) and will leave home soon … I have other things to think about, to pray for, to deal with. Good ones, sad ones, happy ones: THIS is what my life is about, not any virus.

(I know all this in my head – unfortunately this is sometimes different from what I `know´ in my heart.)

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